Merry Christmas from Avid - Digidelivery client for Lion

Arriving in time for the end of support by Aspera comes a Digidelivery client for Lion. It comes with a lot of disclaimers but from some limited testing seems to work very well and runs without the need for Rosetta. This client was released by Avid rather than the new owners Aspera which just goes to highlight how little they actually planned to ever put into this product but good job to Avid for doing this.

Thanks to Bob Russo for the heads up on this.

Last chance for a year of free backup and transfer - Gobbler

A few months ago I wrote about Gobbler being a possible replacement for the soon to be unsupported (less than  a month at time of writing) Digidelivery boxes. Well the service has gone from strength to strength since, you can now use it to send ANY file type, Backup sessions from most major DAW’s and using a clever hack any file within those folders; You can also send a public link to a recipient meaning they no longer have to sign up for a Gobbler account to download materials. 

Pricing is due to be announced very soon and it seems there will be a 30-50% discount on the data plans for a short time too. 

December 7th is the deadline for receiving a free year and 25GB of storage space after that the storage will drop to 5GB by default. 

The service is fast and efficient and with no filesize limit to speak of (unlike YouSendIt) it is ideal for most if not all of your data transfer and project backup requirements.

Sign Up Today

Life after Digidelivery - Gobbler?

I have been testing a new service recently that looks like a reasonable replacement for Digidelivery now that Aspera have announced the death-knell. It is called Gobbler and allows you to back up your Pro Tools sessions to an Amazon S3 storage system (cloud based/remote, replicated backup).

It’s incredibly simple to setup and use and allows you to then share backed-up projects with others. It can also keep a offline record of where your sessions reside, scan your home-based drives and it will catalog all of the audio files associated with the project, the geographic location of those files and give you an idea of the size of the session. 

I plan to continue testing this system as it moves out of it’s initial beta period next Monday (June 27th 2011). During this time however if you sign up you get 50GB of free storage to start backing up and sharing your sessions. 

To take advantage of this now click on this link to learn more.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Clicking this link helps me to get more free space for referrals but I do genuinely believe this could be a viable replacement for Digidelivery in small post houses/independent editors.


Project File Type support copied from the site:

Compatible with most major DAW software and file types


Digidelivery - The demise of a great product

Mid 90's - Internet is taking hold in a big way. Connections are getting faster (particularly in the US with Cable's proliferation). A company called Rocket Networks create a system for collaborating on music over the Internet. The system is nice, easy to use, ties in with existing products. Funding for such a venture is tough. Rocket Networks eventually folds. 

Digidesign, makers of the industry leading DAW (Pro Tools) buy the technology behind Rocket Networks and turn it into Digidelivery. A secure file transfer system that encrypts data sent over it so that only the end user can receive the files. It is great, there's Server-to-Server functionality meaning that if you upload to your local server in London a file destined for another Digidelivery server owner in LA then as soon as it's uploaded to your server, the files transfer to theirs and they download from their server. 

It's simplicity and power made it a popular and nearly ubiquitous product. Sending directly from Avid editing systems as well as Digidesign's Pro Tools followed. It became as easy to send a file to the other side of the world as it was to save to your desktop. 

Then in 2007, Digidesign sold Digidelivery to Aspera Soft. The wheels fell completely off the wagon. Deliveries would fail to upload, fail to notify the recipient, the client software crashes and there's no support available for long-term users.

Development of the system has ground to a halt. There is NO client for Windows 7 or Snow Leopard. Aspera seem to have little to no interest in even maintaining the system let alone upgrading it. At NAB 08, Aspera released this statement:

"DigiDelivery integrates Aspera's product line

Last fall, Aspera acquired DigiDelivery, the simple, secure file exchange system developed by Avid's Digidesign audio division. DigiDelivery is now a fully fledged member of the Aspera product line as Aspera is introducing new service options and software updates, and announced upcoming interoperability between DigiDelivery and Aspera's faspex[TM] digital package delivery system."

It's now 2010 and the client software has been updated once (with no feature increase), the server's have been patched once but certainly not with this FASP integration. It seems Aspera bought Digidelivery to kill it so that consumers would be forced to buy into their more expensive, less user-friendly systems. 

Frankly I mourn the loss of this great product.