Edicue Group Buy - ADR Cueing Software

I’ve long been a fan of many of Mark Franken’s Programs. Ediload is a go to tool for fixing all manner of issues with EDL’s that make both Titan conforms and VK autoconform’s much smoother. 

Mark has just launched a group buy for his ADR cueing software Edicue. Not being an ADR editor I haven’t had much call to use the program in anger but when I have used it I have been deeply impressed. As of v2 he has added the ability to ingest a PDF of the shooting script and the program then analyses for Scenes, Characters, Lines etc. These can then be used to spot correctly formatted region groups onto the PT timeline. 

Tracking of cues across multiple versions has also been improved from v1. If you already use another ADR tracking program Edicue will probably be able to export to it (ADR Manager, Filemaker etc.)

At time of writing the cost is $540 US but as with all group buys this figure decresases as more people come on board. Current listed discounts go to $300 which would be an absolute steal for this program. 

Cost of entry to group buy is $120 and upon completion (March 23rd) coupons will be sent out for you to complete the purchase by making up the difference. 

Edicue Group Buy

NAB Exhibit's only Pass

“Start creating your masterpiece today.

Whether you’re a musician, sound designer, audio pro or home recording enthusiast, the NAB Show is the ultimate place to find the tools you need to bring your content to life.

 Experience the leading pro audio and digital music technologies and tools enabling the mix of art, sound and science – giving you the power to engineer the crystal clear audio you hear within your imagination. ” - NAB Show Website

Use Discount code SM05 when registering for a Free Exhibits only pass to the conference. This pass gives you all the exhibits plus the Opening Keynote and State of the Industry Address, Info Sessions, Content Theater, Exhibits and PITS.

Here’s the links you will need

For more information: http://bit.ly/NABAud

Registration: http://bit.ly/NABRegSM05

The NAB conference is a great place to meet with the industry leaders, to network with peers and to check out lots of nice kit and goodies. This gives you access to all of that plus it’s the best cost FREE!!

Virtual Katy - Special Offer

Virtual Katy have been very kind in providing a special offer for those who make a purchase via this web site. They are giving a $100 discount when you mention this blog or my name when purchasing the Virtual Katy Premium Collection. 

If you’d like to take advantage of this offer please fill in the form linked as **VK Offer**

